
Doing Good With Data: Teradata's COVID-19 Resiliency Dashboard

To help our customers navigate the world's new normal, our teams have created a business-centric, execution-focused tool – we call it the Resiliency Dashboard.

Casey Reinke
Casey Reinke
19 juillet 2020 3 min de lecture
Teradata's resiliency dashboard.

They say that "Adversity reveals character." This quote proves itself true time and time again, and in these chaotic times, we are seeing individuals and organizations battle through adversity in ways most have never experienced. And hopefully, will never have to witness again.  

We are seeing a complete disruption of nearly every industry: Healthcare, Communications, Media, Entertainment, Oil & Gas, Banking, Retail, and the list goes on. As organizations began laying people off, closing their doors and struggling to figure out what to do next, I am proud to say Teradata responded without hesitation. Rather than build business cases, evaluate ROIs or wait to see how the market responded, our culture of “doing good with data” kicked in. Teradata teams across the globe hurried to ease the burden of our customers: delivering answers when many had yet to even fully understand the questions they needed to ask.

To help our customers answer many of these “new” questions, one of our teams created a business-centric, execution-focused tool – we call it the Resiliency Dashboard. It is built on an easy-to-modify foundation that leverages critical, pre-loaded, publicly available U.S. data sources, and also allows for custom integration of a customer’s own data. The combination enables a better, more comprehensive understanding of business, including key indicators that speak to customer/employee impact from both external and internal perspectives.

This free offering, which we initially built for our own response purposes, means we can actively help our customers navigate their way through this pandemic, and equally important, prepare them for the “new normal” of a data-driven approach to business when this is all over.

There are countless ways our Resiliency Dashboard can help our customers and many have already requested access to tailored versions of it. Here are a few examples – the tool:

  • Serves as the foundation for a software company’s Pandemic Response Team – the people who prioritize and decide which office locations should reopen, under what guidelines, when, and with what travel restrictions – all while evaluating the corresponding risk. 
Vantage resilience dashboard view shows health status by country
  • Gives insight to a national retailer as to where to direct marketing spend, as well as profitability and productivity metrics regarding in-store, online and curb-side options -- plus insight as to staffing risks due location-specific restrictions and COVID rates.
Vantage resilience dashboard provides insights to retailers
  • Empowers a global HR team to identify the most vulnerable employees, so they can reach out to those at the highest risk of COVID complication, as well as manage mental/physical health issues related to isolation.
Vantage resilience dashboard view shows health status by employee locations
  • Provides insight to a national healthcare supply chain team, who are using it to evaluate shipment options and optimize delivery timing to ensure that critical supplies are routed to the most impacted areas.
Vantage resilience dashboard view shows hospital trends
  • Allows a communication company to predict potential issues to ensure better service for the hundreds of millions of people that are no longer at school or in an office, but are now at home sharing limited internet and cellular infrastructure.

At a time when it would be easy for a company to focus on itself, Teradata has stood strong in the face of adversity, and demonstrated a character and culture I am proud to be a part of. 

If you are a Teradata user or customer and have not yet seen or taken advantage of our Resiliency Dashboard, let us know, and Teradata will make it available to you at no cost.


À propos de Casey Reinke

Casey Reinke is a Consulting Director that works with some of the world’s most high-profile companies to solve their most unique and challenging problems. A business focused innovator, thought leader and speaker, Casey specializes in leading teams that deliver data-driven analytic solutions designed to drive strategic outcomes across organizations.
  Voir tous les articles par Casey Reinke

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