
Unleash Human Expertise with Pervasive Data Intelligence

Chris Twogood continues his discussion about pervasive data intelligence and what it means to businesses everywhere

Chris Twogood
Chris Twogood
6 novembre 2018 3 min de lecture
Ironically, while the Internet pervades our lives and sends a continual stream of information into an expanding digital, cloud-based, and data-driven world, the ability to make sense of this data is far from pervasive. In a previous post, I discussed how a recent global survey showed that 81% of senior business leaders want data analytics to be more widespread in their organizations, suggesting that it’s time for pervasive data intelligence to be the new enterprise standard.

Today, nearly every person’s role in a company involves drawing conclusions from data. Time and again, we’ve seen that when organizations make data scalable, frictionless, and available 24/7 to their employees, people across all functions and levels are better able to accomplish their daily work and generate positive business outcomes. And as businesses increasingly invest in augmented intelligence — which aims to tap the potential of humans and technology working together — ensuring a frictionless relationship between your people and your data is more important than ever.

Consider the impact of pervasive data intelligence on the data scientist, whose analysis is too often limited to data subsets due to time and technical constraints. Imagine the impact on the business if she could easily test her analytics in real time on 100 percent of the company’s data. And for the analyst streamlining business and IT processes, a flexible analytic environment supports the needs of various users and allows warehouse data to be combined with social media, IoT and SMS insights. This pervasive data intelligence system can grow with the business, reduce time to value and cost, and incorporate advanced technologies.
As businesses increasingly invest in augmented intelligence, ensuring a frictionless relationship between your people and your data is more important than ever.
The C-suite also benefits from the real-time, holistic view of the business that pervasive data intelligence provides. For example, the Chief Marketing Officer can leverage pervasive data intelligence to make planning decisions, test marketing strategies, measure deviance and ensure consistent customer experience across multiple channels. He can also better understand industry trends and competitors’ behavior to find ways to optimize campaigns, gain a competitive advantage, and provide effective and compelling value to customers.

As the manufacturer of over 600,000 installed medical equipment products, Siemens Healthcare has experienced the benefits of pervasive data intelligence firsthand. Siemens Healthineers use our cloud-based predictive platform Teradata Vantage to maintain and optimize 240,000 patient touchpoints an hour. Vantage translates these data points into intelligence through an automated process that Siemens Healthcare can scale throughout the global organization. Because this intelligence is delivered seamlessly and in real time, Siemens Healthcare can predict and prevent product maintenance and operational issues. This is vital when your products are responsible for over 70 percent of critical clinical decisions around the world.

“We want to have the right answer before our customers have even the question,” says Stefan Meiler, Head of Data Governance & Analytical Services at Siemens Healthcare.

Today organizations are making big bets that automation, artificial and augmented intelligence, and machine learning will give them a competitive edge. But without committing to “data science for all,” the enterprise will not reap the benefits from their human and technological investments. Ensuring pervasive data intelligence — where employees can seamlessly access relevant, real-time data at scale — will unleash innovation and allow technology to compound human expertise.

À propos de Chris Twogood

Chris Twogood is Senior Vice President Global Marketing for Teradata Corporation. He is responsible for the Teradata brand, influencer relations, content marketing, corporate communications, global events, demand generation, account based marketing and digital for Teradata including web and social. Chris has thirty years of experience. Chris has extensive experience in the computer industry specializing in data warehousing, decision support, customer management and analytics. Voir tous les articles par Chris Twogood

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