
What Is Pervasive Data Intelligence?

Chris Twogood explains Pervasive Data Intelligence and why it's important to large-scale enterprise businesses.

Chris Twogood
Chris Twogood
18 mars 2019 3 min de lecture

It’s official: we’re in a new world of data.
How did this new era come to be? Gradually and then suddenly, thanks to digitization.
In our brave new world exponential digitization means data is currency and control, requiring businesses to have a faster, better, stronger understanding of that data if they’re going to compete. Beyond just competing, information--and the ability to turn insights into real results fastest—is more than precious; it’s an existential necessity for business.
Digitization impacts every facet of the way we work and live, producing almost unimaginable volumes of data from IoT devices--personal fitness trackers, connected cars, sensor data in manufacturing environments—that users expect to be analyzed and accessible in real-time. This new world of data, in the new age of intelligence, demands a new approach.
To better support customers we established an entirely new category—Pervasive Data Intelligence—that’s the new standard for what customers need and expect to compete in the digital economy. Only Teradata can deliver Pervasive Data Intelligence, and we do it on-premises, in the cloud, and anywhere in between. It’s the answer to today’s frustration—complexity, cost, inadequacy--with analytics.


We enable companies to rise above the complexity, cost, and inadequacy of today’s analytics landscape, finding answers to the toughest challenges.

So, how did Pervasive Data Intelligence happen? In thinking through the challenges our customers face we realized a common theme—they needed our help to rise above the complexity, cost, and inadequacy of today’s analytics landscape. To make that happen, to get them the answers they need, we had to craft a way to provide all of the data, all of the time, across any infrastructure, while delivering analytics that matter. Not only did we have to give them access to all of the data, all of the time, but we had to maintain the ability to be scalable, frictionless, and omnipresent, too. If we could pull that off, we could deliver Pervasive Data Intelligence and, more importantly, answers.
We ditched conventional methods to tap into a holistic, 100% view of data to manage, and glean value from, 100% of the data; not just a portion of the data. That’s when we realized we could bring value to everyone in an organization. That’s when Pervasive Data Intelligence became a reality.
Now we leverage 100% of the data to uncover real-time intelligence, at scale. We enable companies to rise above the complexity, cost, and inadequacy of today’s analytics landscape, finding answers to the toughest challenges. We call this Pervasive Data Intelligence—the new standard for our industry.
Teradata customers are the world’s most demanding large-scale users of data. In leveraging data as a secret weapon for their business they face unique challenges of both cost and complexity:

  • Siloed, conflicting, and duplicative solutions
  • Considerable expense to maintain and manage the complexity
  • Lack of operational analytic focus
  • The need to deploy across heterogeneous environments
  • Intensifying pressure for results

Teradata Vantage not only solves these problems, but also resets the bar for the entire industry. That may seem bold, but it’s a fact. Vantage provides the connective tissue for ecosystem simplification, takes risk out of decisions, and it delivers massive scale and integration.
In other words, Teradata Vantage is how “analytics” become answers. And we’ll dive into that in my next post.


À propos de Chris Twogood

Chris Twogood is Senior Vice President Global Marketing for Teradata Corporation. He is responsible for the Teradata brand, influencer relations, content marketing, corporate communications, global events, demand generation, account based marketing and digital for Teradata including web and social. Chris has thirty years of experience. Chris has extensive experience in the computer industry specializing in data warehousing, decision support, customer management and analytics. Voir tous les articles par Chris Twogood

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